Morinda Inc.

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 Quick Facts About Morinda, Inc.


Morinda, Inc. derives its name from the scientific name of the plant Morinda Citrifolia.  


Morinda, Inc. was established for the specific purpose of bringing the secrets and benefits of the amazing Noni plant to everyone, everywhere.


Morinda, Inc. is dedicated to enabling everyone to have access to TAHITIAN NONI® juice.               



TAHITIAN NONI® juice is an exclusive product from Morinda, Inc.; evidence indicates TAHITIAN NONI® juice is the most abundant source of Proxeronine in the world.


Morinda, Inc. is the only company with the ability to test for Proxeronine; TAHITIAN NONI® juice is a rich source of Proxeronine - an alkaloid used by the body to strengthen and revitalize cells.


Morinda is the world's undisputed leader in the research and development of Noni products.


TAHITIAN NONI® Juice cannot be duplicated. Morinda created and owns the proprietary production and flavoring process that ensures that all of the beneficial properties of the Noni fruit are optimized in every bottle.


Morinda is the exclusive source of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. Morinda knows more about Noni than any other company in the world.


Renowned Noni experts *Dr. Heinicke, *Dr. Hirazumi-Kim and Dr. Solomon work with Morinda to further its research of the plant, because they believe that TAHITIAN NONI® Juice from Morinda is the best Noni product available.


Morinda has invested millions of dollars to perfect its knowledge of the Noni plant and its fruit. At this time, Morinda owns and operates the only lab in the world dedicated to the study of Noni.


Morinda's organizational and cultural structure was formed to support its  recruited experts from the fields of nutrition, personal care, research and development to strengthen its corporate team.


About the company: Morinda, Inc.

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In 1993, a discovery was made that put in motion a most incredible chain of events. A simple plant from French Polynesia was introduced by a friend to two food scientists, Stephen Story and John Wadsworth. This plant was known by the people of the islands of the South Pacific as Noni.

TAHITIAN NONI® JuiceStephen and John immediately began to learn all they could about this unique plant. The fruit of the Noni plant yielded a very strong tasting juice that the people of Polynesia used for over 2,000 years for its amazing health benefits. Learning this, Stephen and John began to share this unique juice product with many friends and acquaintances. The results were astounding. Appreciating the importance of their discovery, they began to develop a process of harvesting, processing, and flavoring the TAHITIAN NONI® juice to enable them to bring it to market. This process took over two years to complete.

Some two years after their finding, Stephen and John were introduced to an individual who immediately recognized the importance and potential of this product: Kerry Asay, former CEO and Chairman of the Board of an old and successful network marketing company, was one of a few individuals who could instantly recognize the opportunity of this discovery and act immediately to bring it to the marketplace. Kerry began to formulate a plan to found a new company whose mission would be to bring to the world the unique findings of the Noni plant. The name of the company is simply Morinda, derived from the scientific name of the Noni plant, Morinda Citrifolia.

Kerry began to surround himself with experienced and honest individuals from the network marketing industry. Together this "dream team" put in place a company truly worthy of the product which is at the heart of the entire process.


The Mission of Morinda, Inc.

Noni's beneficial properties have played a key role in French Polynesian life for thousands of years. In 1996, after years of research, Morinda created TAHITIAN NONI® Juice and shared this treasured secret of well-being with the world.

Quality standards and a proprietary formula make TAHITIAN NONI® Juice impossible tononi fruit duplicate. Only authentic TAHITIAN NONI® Juice comes from pure Noni fruit puree, straight from the pristine islands of French Polynesia. In fact, Morinda can trace every bottle of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice back to the individual who harvested the fruit!

Morinda, Inc. was established for the specific purpose of bringing the secrets and benefits of the amazing Noni plant to people all around the world. For generations, the people of French Polynesia have benefited from the amazing health related properties of this plant. Morinda is dedicated to allowing everyone who is earnestly seeking a healthier lifestyle to have access to 100% authentic TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. The tremendous opportunity that will help the financial health of thousands, and eventually millions, derives its power from the product. Thanks to Morinda, the Ministry of Agriculture reports that Morinda Inc. derives its name from the scientific name of the plant Morinda Citrifolia.

Morinda Inc. was established for the specific purpose of bringing the secrets and benefits of the amazing Noni plant to everyone, everywhere.  TAHITIAN NONI® juice is now the #2 export in Tahiti, second only to their famous black pearls. Morinda will be known forever as the company that brought this amazing product to the market and popularized it worldwide. Morinda will always be a leader of TAHITIAN NONI® products and the exclusive source of 100% authentic TAHITIAN NONI® juice.


Founding Principles

  1. Honesty and integrity: we will do our very best to instill honesty and integrity into every business relationship.
  2. Fair treatment of all individuals: distributors, employees, and vendors will be treated fairly. We will avoid making deals with one person that we are not willing to offer to all.
  3. Strong leadership: we may make mistakes along the way, and when we do, we will correct them as quickly as possible.
  4. Commitment to honorable, frugal business practices that will allow the opportunity to exist far beyond our current reach.
  5. Commitment: offering the finest distributor support of any company.
  6. Open-mindedness: valuable input comes from many places. We recognize the importance of keeping an open mind and a thankful attitude.
  7. Hard Work: we believe that there is wisdom in the old saying, "The harder I work, the luckier I get." Good, honest, hard work is one of the key ingredients for our success.
  8. Gratitude: we understand that the product we offer was made by God, not us. We gratefully approach the task of bringing this product to people everywhere.

Morinda will embrace all principles of personal and business conduct that will make it a company worthy of trust.  We understand the clutter that exists in the marketplace today. This truly unique, beneficial and exclusive product will break through the clutter and be the standard for the industry for decades to come (business opportunities)

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learn more: attend one of our events!

Some facts on Morinda Citrifolia juice

TAHITIAN NONI® juice is the only authentic M. Citrifolia juice product. Morinda researched the M. Citrifolia and offered the very first product using the M. Citrifolia fruit as its primary ingredient. Competitors offer M. Citrifolia products as secondary products. Morinda produces the first and only authentic TAHITIAN NONI® juice. TAHITIAN NONI® juice cannot be duplicated by our competitors. Morinda created and owns the proprietary production and flavoring process that ensures that all of the beneficial properties of the M. Citrifolia fruit are optimized in every bottle. [composition of TAHITIAN NONI® juice]


TAHITIAN NONI® juice is the best, most bio-available source of those active ingredients found in the M. Citrifolia fruit. Scientists who are experts on M. Citrifolia endorse Morinda's exclusive formula.

Morinda is the undisputed leader when it comes to Morinda Citrifolia. World-renowned Morinda Citrifolia experts Dr. Ralph Heinicke, Dr. Annie Hirazumi and Dr. Neil Solomon work with Morinda to further their research on the Morinda Citrifolia plant. Why? Because they believe that Morinda's TAHITIAN NONI® juice is the best Morinda Citrifolia product available anywhere.

No competitor can duplicate this competitive advantage. Morinda has invested millions to perfect their knowledge of the Morinda Citrifolia plant and its fruit. Morinda owns the only lab in the world solely dedicated to the study of Morinda Citrifolia.

Quality assurance is second to none. Morinda, Inc. sends samples of each batch of TAHITIAN NONI® juice to one of the worlds most reputable, independent laboratories for testing to verify the absolute purity of each bottle of TAHITIAN NONI® juice. Laboratory results are available upon request.

                     * Dr. Heinicke is a paid consultant of Morinda, Inc., and                                  

Dr. Hirazumi-Kim is an employee of Morinda, Inc.


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Independent Morinda Distributors #900315 and  #954488. TAHITIAN NONI®, MORINDA®, Tahiti Dream™, Tahiti Trim™, SmartCaps™, Smart Extracts™ and ExpressWay™ are trademarks of Morinda, Incorporated.